Hello everyone. I introduce you to Sergej from the Netherlands. Sergej was kind enough to send over some pictures of his newly purchased vibraphonette. It is one of the larger ones with 2 1/2 octaves and thicker bars. It also as a speed control for the tremolo!!! That would be great to have!
It weighs about 55lbs and has 4 legs (instead of three) to help support the extra weight. Sergej actually bought it from Will, who also contributed to this blog a while back. Sergej mentions that the handle seems original, but he is a bit worried about using it because it seems a bit too fragile so he will carry it by the case - seems like a smart idea. He has been playing it in his band which will be coming out with their new cd in the beginning of 2008. I heard a bit of a rehearsal and I'm looking forward to the cd!
Sergej has been trying to figure out the best way to clean under the bars. I'm not sure if it will be an easy task. Mine has a bunch of dust that I'm sure contributes to the character of the sound!
Here a video of Sergej playing his new vibraphonette!
I have a vibraphonette, alas I do not know much about using it. With mine, the lower end keys verberate as yours do, however the higher end keys do not verberate as your does. Is this a tension thing? I am a little afraid to fiddle with the tension knob in case I do some damage. Please could you instruct me how to get the higher end keys to verberate the same as the lower end ones?
Great instrument you have! Were did you found such? Looking for more then a year for such kind of vib. Is it for sale? Please let me know. All the best. Johachim
hi dennis, i am also the proud owner of a galanti vibraphonette in montreal, canada. bought it in winnipeg at a salvation army thrift store and i've used it on numerous album recordings and live shows. i'll send you some pics if you like. get in touch with me if you're interested. it's always fun to discover other people out there using this cool instrument.
Another vib up for sale. Nice one, 2 1/2 octaves. Go To ebay.de, search for Vibraphonette under Musikinstrumenten. This guy wants something between 1500 and 1800 € ... that's a LOT of cash.
I think one of your rubber belts had either slipped off or snapped. You need to open the chrome plate on the top right end, by unscrewing the tiny little screws there. When they are all out, just take the plate off & watch & learn... there should be 3 rubber belts there, If you have any questions, please make a pic and send it to my e-mailaddress: sergej.visser@gmail.com OK, good luck then,
this small vibraphone was made by galanti somewhere in the 50s or 60s. it is built in a suitcase and ranges two octaves (f to f). it was purchased by dennis in september of 2005 and accompanies him on some of his performances.
i live in and love nyc. I own this vibraphonette. I have a monthly music podcast called Trumpet Moments and a band called Vitamin-D. I play trumpet and a few other instruments, too. I wear glasses.
hi there Sergej....
I have a vibraphonette, alas I do not know much about using it. With mine, the lower end keys verberate as yours do, however the higher end keys do not verberate as your does. Is this a tension thing? I am a little afraid to fiddle with the tension knob in case I do some damage. Please could you instruct me how to get the higher end keys to verberate the same as the lower end ones?
Anonymous, at 5:53 PM
Hi Serge,
Great instrument you have!
Were did you found such?
Looking for more then a year for such kind of vib. Is it for sale?
Please let me know.
All the best.
Anonymous, at 3:28 AM
hi dennis,
i am also the proud owner of a galanti vibraphonette in montreal, canada. bought it in winnipeg at a salvation army thrift store and i've used it on numerous album recordings and live shows. i'll send you some pics if you like.
get in touch with me if you're interested. it's always fun to discover other people out there using this cool instrument.
Benoit, at 9:53 PM
hello benoit,
please do send along any and all the information you have on your vibraphonette - and some pictures, too! email them to dennis @ vitamindmusic.com.
dennis, at 12:41 PM
Look at ebay Feb 1 around 8 o clock - i will sell one of these instruments
Anonymous, at 9:49 AM
Hi guys,
Another vib up for sale. Nice one, 2 1/2 octaves. Go To ebay.de, search for Vibraphonette under Musikinstrumenten. This guy wants something between 1500 and 1800 € ... that's a LOT of cash.
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
Hi Janet,
I think one of your rubber belts had either slipped off or snapped. You need to open the chrome plate on the top right end, by unscrewing the tiny little screws there. When they are all out, just take the plate off & watch & learn... there should be 3 rubber belts there, If you have any questions, please make a pic and send it to my e-mailaddress: sergej.visser@gmail.com
OK, good luck then,
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
There's a 2.5 octave one on eBay right now. Needs cosmetic work but mechanically fine.
Joseph Pettini, at 12:31 PM
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