Vibraphonette For Sale On Ebay
Here's a 2 octave vibraphonette (like mine) for sale on ebay. The starting bid is $900 which might be a bit high for the smaller version, but these are rare and this one looks like it's in good shape. The shipping is $150 or hopefully you can pick it up if you are near Philadelphia.

It sold for $1030.50 with 4 bidders on eBay. With $150 shipping the total cost is $1180.50. For a working instrument, this seems like a good price. The prices have gone up quite a bit from when I bought mine in 2005 for around $500.
Hopefully the new owner will send over some pictures and more info about it!
dennis, at 9:32 AM
Hi dude, I'm building my own vibraphonette, but on 3 octaves. I love this little monster.
Photos? near.
Anonymous, at 3:51 PM
my band is looking for a Galanti Vibette...
pleeease! send any links to me of any for sale!
Unknown, at 3:46 AM
hi dennis.
i´m writting from buenos aires, argentina.
first of all, i wanna excuse about my poor english...
i saw dennis&thevibraphonette blog, and let me say that it´s a great blog!
i just bough a vibraphonette galanti (i dont have the minor idea of how it could end here!), and i want to ask you some information, beacuse in the web there is very little one..
the most important thing that i need to know, is about the electrical tension selector (that puts CAMBIO TENSIONE)..
how do you use it??? it is only to select the tension of the electrical network where you connect it??
i asked with an electrical technician and he is a little confused too..and the fact is that it needs to be repaired since the most of the cables are disconnected...
well, that it´s all for now...if you could help me i`ll be very grateful.
i hope you have good times!!
nico domnz.
buenos aires.
Nico Domnz, at 4:22 PM
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